FAFSA (Federal Application for Student Aid) is required for all seniors planning to attend college. This form is completed using parent tax information from the 2020 year.

Get2College is hosting our FAFSA day on November 3rd from 9am to 3pm. This process will be done virtually again this year since our school is not under a mask mandate. Details on how to sign up will be sent out soon! On the day of your appointment, the student and parent will come to the school campus and be provided with a location to complete the information needed for you FAFSA while in a zoom call with the Get2College representative.


The following links are resources for personal/social issues you may find yourself facing. Please remember the counselor's office is always open if you need to talk!

Contact me if you have questions, or have suggestions on things to add to this page!

Email - telam@benton.k12.ms.us Direct Office Number - (662) 224-6362

Please check back often, as I am in the process of adding information!